Pass X 250 vs. Classe CA 301 The final decision

Ok, after reading extensive reviews and listening only in shops, as opposed to my own set up, I am almost ready to buy. I have 86 db metal dome speakers. Any last words?
Brulee, and your alternative? Meaning no disrespect to the afore(not)mentioned ?amp?, it does not follow reason that the Pass, which dominates in dynamic range and instantaneous quickness, cannot handle minute bursts as well. Because you haven't heard it, doesn't mean it isn't in the offering. Just remember, more than an amp, it is the speaker that takes you there.
Hi Muralman 1, I respect your point of view. The Pass X350 I used was with only one pair of speakers. This could be one of those times where this combination was not a good match. I did point out some very fine qualities of both these amps. It just didn't deliver the life, energy, and the colors of different instruments offer. I also found it a bit dry with little of the dimentionality that my tube amps were capable of. I do admit that I am a tube snob. I guess I should not have made those statements of these fine SS amps by not using more than one pair of speakers. I was told that the Pass X350 was an excellent amp on the Coincident Total Eclipse. It just didn't do it for me.
Thanks for your decent response. You brought up some very good points. I will think a little longer before making what may seem to be blanket statements. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Once again i have gained a bit of an education from another Audiogon member.
Brulee, now I understand where you are coming from, and I fully respect your opinion. I, too am a tube fan. I haven't tried Pass X amps without tubes feeding it. One thing I like about the Pass is that it so graciously passes on tube characteristics to the speaker. I have run full valve systems on great speakers and have convinced others to incorporate tubes into their systems. I was dragged kicking and screaming into trying Pass X amps by a knowledgeable amp builder. To my surprise, the Pass preserved the all attributes of tubes that I liked. Again, that is with feeding it tube magic. My CDP, more precisely my tubes, dictate the sound quality I am enjoying.