These are some of the amps I have owned.
NAD 218
NAD S-200
PS Audio Delta 250 Mono Blocks
Rotel RB 1090
Jeff Rowland Model 5 B
Jeff Rowland Model 7 Mono Blocks
Classe CA 300
Krell KSA 200s
Spectron Digital 1
And probably more amps I cannot think of at the moment,
including several integrated amps, but the Spectron
is the only one that has the staying power.
Plus it runs cool as a cucumber and is not that large & heavy.
Also not included are the amps I auditioned in my home
& took back. (cannot remember all)
So based on what I have "heard" myself with the Spectron
D-1, and what I have read about the Musician II, I have
ordered one.
It should be here next week and will give initial report
when I get my system up & running. (Waiting on speakers &
Cables as well)
Spectron got a bad (maybe well deserved "bad" reputation)
in the early day's of there existence as they had many
parts outsourced and did not have much control on quality. But nowaday's it is different and I think
digital amps are the wave of the future.
If you have not read the latest review on the Musician II
please check it out @
Of coarse it is just "another review" but the review was
very similiar on the D-1 and I agreed 100% with that
review compared to what I heard, which almost never
happens with me.
Others agree!!
Good luck,