Do I need or want preamp tone controls

Hi, I'm new to this, I just ordered an Odyssey Stratos w/cap upgrade and was trying to decide on the Tempest preamp. Any disadvantages in having tone controls? Thanks, Blub
Sean, my preamp has a processor loop. What EQ devices have worked best for you? Something I might try giving a "spin".
Hey thanks, holy smoke, didn't mean to start a war. Sounds like personal preference. What preamp would anyone choose with the Odyssey Stratos? Although I'm leaning towards the Odyssey Tempest, I'm taking all advice into consideration. Thanks, Blub
In what I believe to be your price range, tone controls are a big no-no. There may be some megakilo-buck pres that can get them right, but for under $2K I wouldn't do it. With the Stratos you will not need/want tone controls anyways. Aside from the Tempest, the Musical Fidelity A3cr and A3.2cr would be my suggestions for the Odyssey Amp, a very synergistic match and I don't think that you'll not find better for the money. From my experience, I would avoid like the plague passive and tube preamps with this amp, however. I've gone though about a dozen preamps with that amp, good SS pres where the only ones to do its superb transparency, among other wonderful qualities, due justice. Some people say a passive or tube pre sounds ok in their Odyssey systems, however, I suspect they have not heard what a really good SS pre will do in comparison.
Hey Blub, there is obviously various opinions on this subject. However, most would agree that a simpler audio path is preferable. Adding tone controls or an Equalizer add to this path, not to mention added interconnect cables. There are alternative ways to control equalization problems, such as moving the speakers, adding diffusers and such. If you do opt for tone controls, I would suggest one that have a 'defeat' switch to bypass it if not needed.

As for your new Stratus, congradulations! A wonderful amp which I have owned. I too was interested in the Tempest, but held back because I could not find any kind of feedback about it. My personal preferance would be to add a tube preamp. A tube pre and SS amp makes for a great combo in my opinion.

Good luck, Paul
A significant portion of my extensive classical CD collection sounded rather poorly till I introduced the Cello Palette preamp.I only use the cello equalization with the tape output to the Meridian 861V3 processor and for red book CDs only. The resulting sound is excellent.Recording studios equipment and taste of the recording engineer are not necessarily compatible with every one's home system.I highly recommend that particular equalizer.