Help.... Need Amp advice

I am currently in the market for an amp to provide a little kick to my system. I have the klipsch rf 3II, rc3, and rs3's with a velodyne HGS-12. I'm most interested in powering the fronts and center speakers but I am also considering a 5 channel amp to power 'em all. So far I am torn between the Odyssey Stratos HT-3 (150x3), an older acurus A200x5 (too much power?) or 125x5, or a parasound HCA1205 (140x5). I should mention my pre/pro is currently a Denon AVR 3803 (85x7), and my time is for the most part split 50-50 between music and HT. Overall budget for the amplifier is $1-2K. Thanks, any advice/opinions are greatly appreciated!
You might also consider getting a good analog pre-amp so that you can bypass the Denon when listening to music. Regardless of the amplification that you get, when it comes to music, the Denon is definitely limiting you. Just a suggestion. Enjoy.
Hmmm... that sounds like an idea, I honestly haven't considered a preamp, still kinda new to this whole audio ballgame. What would be a good, relatively inexpensive, ($500-1000) analog preamp to go with the aforementioned amps?
Lo- I'd look into something like the Blue Circle or Audible Illusions 2C, 2D, or 3. Only thing about AI is that their customer service leaves a lot to be desired. Musical Designs, MFA, Melos, and C-J also made nice tube pre-amps. I'd recommend that you stay with an all tube design, not a hybrid, but that is just my preference. Good luck.