Hovland HP-100 vs. CAT SL1 Ultimate: Feedback

The Hovland HP-100 and CAT Ultimate are similarly priced, full-functioned, w. phono MC section pre-amps. How do their respective performances differ?

Any problems?
Any other full-featured, w MC phono pre's to suggest (Limit: $6500 retail)?
I favor tubed pre's. Remote not important. Need tape/record loop.

Looking for direct, controlled comparisons. Long time use with both units (but not necessarily at the same time) may also prove helpful. Feedback please.
Kalan, the slam 100 has a very high input sensitivity .85v I believe, so its a very poor match for the Cat. Its probably agressive and in your face. No wonder you don't like the way it sound.The Cats depth should sound as if the soundstage is 20 feet deep.
Hovland, CAT, BAT, Krell, AR… and some other units within $5-7K are unfortunately the very faulty as the preamps and as phonostages. They are kind of the hi-end’s mass-market black boxes “for kids”. But it is what you’re looking for, do you?
Musicluvr: Yes, the Cary SLAM-100's have a high sensitivity: .75v. And yes, the CAT was very in my face. I wrote to CAT some time ago about my experience and asked about possible ways to match the CAT and the SLAM-100 to each other better: no response.

I heard a Hovland HP-100 linestage in a different system a week ago, and the sound was soft and laid-back. Details and leading edges were a bit blunted. Since I did not hear the HP-100 in my system, it would be hard for me to place how the HP-100 figured into the overall sound I heard.

Verygigamp: triple huh?

If you mean I have to spend way more money to get decent pre-amplification, your point is well taken. But the spend-more method does not always hold true; it has to be proven on a case-by-case basis. I have heard cases in which cheaper gear actually sounded better than more expensive stuff in side-by-side comparisons.