If i had the money.....

I'd be ordering a set of the Parasound Halo JC-1 Monoblocks. I knew that these were going to be good, but i didn't know just HOW good. I've talked to a few people that have them and the "reviews" of these end users is just as strong as the recommendation that these amps receive in the February Stereophile.

Hard to imagine beating a product that was designed for optimum linearity / performance by an audio legend, laid out by an RF engineer in order to maintain consistent impedances throughout the entire circuit and then building the circuit with each part hand picked to "voice" the unit for optimum sonics by a "tweaker". The total approach to product building for $6K a pair !!! All of this with POWER to spare !!!

THD is predominantly all second harmonic i.e. not the typical odd order that most SS amps generate.

IMD of .0015 !!! Keep in mind that distortion typically goes up quite noticeably as power is raised and impedance lowered. This figure was taken at 4 ohms and at 600+ watts of output !!!

Output impedance of no higher than .06 ohms. This amp should keep the same "voice" and stability into just about any speaker. The power output verifies the stability and "robustness" of the circuit also....

Rated at 400 wpc @ 8 ohms

Power at clipping, broad band signal steady state:

8 ohms: 545 watts

Power at clipping, pulsed 1 KHz signal:

8 ohms: 586 watts

4 ohms: 1154 watts

2 ohms: 2255 watts

1 ohm: 4200 watts !!!

Any thougths / comments on this one ? Sean
Asa: I typically don't spend much time on specs because most people don't understand them or how they relate to each other. As far as "going overboard" on this specific product, i don't think that this is the case. If you look back to the last amp that i posted about after reading a review of it, it was the PS Audio HCA-2. I did make a big deal about the specs on this unit and how horrible and inconsistent they were. I also stated that i thought that specs could be interpreted to provide a reasonable idea as to how the amp might sound and react to various loads. Finding an amp that sounds good only in one system with one set of speakers with specific cables is a joke as far as i'm concerned. Looking at "real" specs can help you weed out those that lack versatility and are only suitable for specific types of loads. Sean
For those of you who've been reading my comments on other sites in recent months about the JC 1s, you may be interested that I put my money where my mouth is and bought them (from Bob). As if that wasn't enough, I decided to become a dealer and sell the JC 1s and a few other lines in my spare time.

Brian Walsh
Essential Audio
Brulee brought up a very interesting point Stereophile seem to love everything they review these days. I remember awhile back before they were bought by some huge media company, their reviews seem to be more on target, maybe its just my paronoia. Sam Tellig whom I really enjoy seem to like everything also.
Musicluvr i got my feb issue there is nothing to it.
I saw the absolute sound there more new products
and more interesting review.I also notice Sterophile
reviewer very few equipment they dont like,most of
the big names they like them. I am tired of reading
reviewers claiming this is the best speaker Ive heard, then
the next time, you read their column onother brand of
speaker, they will claim this is the best speaker Ive
heard. I only normally hear this words from car dealership,
Who do we trust?