Inexpensive tweak

Just got back from a business trip to find that our cat had thrown up on my Audible Illusions preamp (unfortunately vented on top). Everything was dried up. Haven't looked inside yet. Not sure how to clean a circuit board. But I've noticed that my system is more revealing than before. I won't share details of exactly where on the preamp my cat got sick because I might want to try to market this tweak sometime in the future. :-)
"Inexpensive fix" Yes, cat vomit is very acidic, as is their piss, trust me I know. The best way to nuetralize it is with baking soda, just like your car batetry and compartment. Use water and baking soda to clean it, the sooner the better, especially for an (epoxy?) circuit board. You will know when you have it nuetralized, as it will no longer bubble. Not meaning to patronize you, but make extra sure it is very very dry before plugging in again.
Are you sure you heard a difference after the cat puked?
You know some around here might be SKEPTICAL and might say that your just imagining the better sound... Also it should get even after about 300hrs of burn in!

Ive been squeezing THE HELL OUT OF my daughters cat for
the last hour tryin to get it to puke on my pre... The
little bastard aint givin it up? Its looking at me funny
so whats next, dog urine on the woofers, hamster nibbles on cables, goldfish scales on connectors. Give the kitty some PeptoBismal and get out the alcohol swabs and start cleaning.
Stick the cat in the freezer for 24 hours first.

You'll be amazed the blacker background, universe engulfing soundstage, and abysmal bass (not sure if that last one is good or bad).

I had a beagle that used to hose my vinyl regularly. Oddly enough, he only seemed to aim at the Led Zepplin albums. It never made them sound better, though I'm not sure it made them sound much worse either. I guess I should have made him wizz on the turntable...... He also peed on my niece once. THAT was quality entertainment.