Bryston 7B SST vs. Parasound Halo JC 1 shootout...

Anyone had the pleasure of hearing both of these highly praised mono block amps?

They both seem to offer A LOT of bank-for-the-buck, are both "powerhouses" , and both reatil for $6k a pair.

Any feedback on how they compare to each other? Strength's minus's, plus's of each over the other?
Just to clarify what I *think* Bob was saying (so there is no confusion on the forum). I believe he was talking about the Rockport Syzygys (no longer made) vis a vis the Sound Labs. As a former owner of the Syzygys, I have found the Rockport Antares I now own also to be considerably cleaner; and to have a lot better low level detail as well. Bob: if I am mistaken, I hope you will correct me - and my apologies.
Mr. Walsh- Mahalo for your kind offer. I would love to hear your system. Unfortunately, it's long way from Maui to Chicago. Good luck with the Halo line.

Jfz- Agree that "the proof is always in the listening." Wish there was a hiend dealer like Mr.Walsh with the JC-1s here in HI. And I agree, that with CTC's track record they're worth checking out.

I think All Ears is helping me with what I am trying to say...

"If I'll be allowed to put on my dealer hat for a moment (I can see all of you cringing), I strongly disagree. I've heard JC 1s up against Pass X600s, Atma-Sphere MA-2s, and Rowland Model 6s. Do I have to tell you which was better than all of these by a significant margin? But don't take my word for it - go check them out for yourself. You're in for a nice surprise. You can pay a lot more and not get performance as good."

As a dealer or reviewer, what are some of these pieces that I "can pay a lot more and not get performance as good?" Please by all means list some examples rather than make the statement so I as a consumer can get a feel for what your standards are and what your tastes lean towards. Are 98% of all items reviewed that good and only 2% of gear sucks?

Artarl: I by no means think you are "getting on my case;" in fact I love a good debate:)
My Standards are Krell FPB 350 MC/KTC line stage, VTL MB 750/VAC Renaissance, and Mark Levinson 335/380S. I will judge the Halo JC 1 against these units and I will tell you if it has a prayer.

Keep in mind that John Curl is the designer and Mr Thompson and Mr Crump have voiced the amp. It's my understanding they were contracted to help create the Halo JC 1, but they are not Parasound; they have little control over what Parasound might do to the design in the months ahead. If Parasound wants to use cheaper parts, will they consult CTC? And if one were to buy the Halo, it's not going to CTC if it needs repairing.

Parasound trails the leading edge of the high-end. Most audiophiles dreaming about the perfect amp or preamp don't conjure up Parasound products as their ideal. I certainly don't. I lust after equipment I can't possibly afford, and settle for equipment, while not sounding bad, that's cheaper. This equipment won't give most people a sonic epiphany.

I have heard the other Halo equipment. It is nicely made, attractive, and reasonably priced. When coupled with Monster Cable, the Veritas 2.4 loudspeaker, and a Sony SACD player, I was underwhelmed by the sound. The sonics were detailed and transparent with fairly good clarity, but the midrange lacked body, three-dimensional layering, and texture. The combination only produced average dynamics. What bothered me the most was the polite and reticent portrayal of the upper midrange and treble. It seemed to give, at best, a mid-hall perspective. This perspective might be fine for some, but for those wishing a more involving and exciting presentation, one that has greater immediacy, they will have to look elsewhere. Maybe it was the Veritas loudspeaker? It's hard to say. But I do know that I much prefer the Adcom GFA 5500/Conrad Johnson PV14LS combination, which can be had used for about $2,000. If the JC 1 sounds anything like its small amplifier counterpart, it won't do well in the long run.
Hi Rcrump,

Let me get this straight, The Good Guys has decided not to take the Halo JC 1 because of price? Well, that means those of us who live in Northern California won't be able to hear the JC 1, unless there's another dealer. Wow, that's ironic seeing how Parasound's headquarters is in San Francisco.

Will the head office have amps on loan so those of us in California can hear the JC 1? I think this situation supports my contention that the JC 1 will not be commercially successful.

And I advise anyone interested in this amp, or any amp, you must see it and hear it before buying. Don't buy online based on a single review. You will regret it!

Have any of you on this board been to The Good Guys? It's almost as bad as buying your electronics at Sears.