Bryston 7B SST vs. Parasound Halo JC 1 shootout...

Anyone had the pleasure of hearing both of these highly praised mono block amps?

They both seem to offer A LOT of bank-for-the-buck, are both "powerhouses" , and both reatil for $6k a pair.

Any feedback on how they compare to each other? Strength's minus's, plus's of each over the other?
$4.5 million? Why? Where's the turntable? I could do better for a tiny fraction of that. Oh well, at least maybe now Dan D. will buy some shoes to go with his outfit.

You might try reading fewer ads. Lighten up a little, come to Chicago for a listen if you'd like, and relax to the music.

Brian Walsh
Expensive does not equate to good sound....That 4.5MM system is an obvious case of money falling into the wrong hands :)

Rather than continue this pissing match and your thoughts on the sound of the JC-1 without hearing it I suggest you reread my post and contact the head of Parasound, Richard Schram, for the closest dealer in your area who can lend you some amps for a listen...
The 4.5 million dollar system was a joke. However, all of the equipment listed does exist.

I am in luck, Rcump. I checked your web sit again, and the Music Lovers in Berkeley is now listed as a dealer.

And when I do get a chance to hear your amp, you had better believe I will give it a review, a fair one of course! Also don't be surprised if I buy it. Remember, the amp is targeted at people like me, not the wealthy or the down and out. If I like the amp and I buy it and it's not a commercial success, it won't matter to me personally because I will have my unit. How's that for being selfish? Don't get me wrong: I don't want you guys to go out of business. I just think you are going to have a tough up-hill battle. Krell and the others are not going to throw in the towel just yet.
Artar 1, time will tell if the JC-1 is a huge commercial success, but I suspect it will do fine as it is a very powerful nice sounding amp.....Our intention was to build the best amp we could and have it built overseas in an automated factory at a price that is astoundingly low considering the quality of parts and assembly.....It would have been an easier sell if the unit was made here by hand and cost 18K or so? I don't think so and those that have traded in much more expensive amps have had not only better sound, but money left over after the purchase....These are good things that precision machine manufacturing can bring to the table.....
The amp will do fine commercially, er, relatively speaking (Did you get that one, Bob?). There are alwys some Maggie/Soundlab guys looking for good current at a reasonable price, and the like. Good rep on designers, with the dearth of such components and then many reviews, and off you go.

Bob C, question, if you can say: what is Donnelly running with the amps - pre, wire, spkrs, etc.?