Bryston 7B SST vs. Parasound Halo JC 1 shootout...

Anyone had the pleasure of hearing both of these highly praised mono block amps?

They both seem to offer A LOT of bank-for-the-buck, are both "powerhouses" , and both reatil for $6k a pair.

Any feedback on how they compare to each other? Strength's minus's, plus's of each over the other?
Janice Raczynski of Control Alt Design, Ltd in Arlington Heights, Illinois designed the front panels for the Halo line......
Strangely enough I find the appearance of the JC-1's both attractive and sophisticated in a European vein. The attention to detail and styling is reminiscent of Goldmund or Lindemann. I guess that I failed to realize that "high end" products were required to be ugly or perhaps merely utilitarian.
Fcrowder, I don't like the appearance of components that are 'ugly' any more than you, but my comments were more directed toward the marketing and brand image angles than they were reflective of my own personal taste (if not my opinions, of course). I'd be curious what other audio products Ms. Raczynski has designed...
Speaking of that Stereophile review; they mention that the JC-1 uses a 10 amp transformer - what is that equivalent to in VA? Wondering because putting out 4.2kW into 1 ohm (short term) is pretty impressive. If I remember correctly the Krell FPB-600 put out about 6kW into that load - serious company.