$4500 amp beat out the Tenor OTL in the latest TAS

You read that right! In the Feb/March edition of TAS, HP declares that the ASL (antique sound lab)Hurricanes at $4500 are the best amps he has EVER heard at any price. In another section of the same issue, the hurricane won tube amp of the year while the Tenor 75 watter was the runner-up.
Hello Warrenh.

"The Kingdom of [cream] is within and all around but men do not see"

Zaikes and Warrenh. I take that back, Zaikes, I got two nibbles (saying known quantity IS a nibble...).

Nice nibbles though...

On cream in audio: we are all on a quest to experience music more deeply. In that quest, we rely upon the person sitting next to us to help us. We listen ourselves, but realize that others who have already traveled this way might give us some pointers. Giving pointers must, regardless of alternative profit motive, derive its impoetus from empathy; I must want you to experience what I have experienced, to join me in that experience. That is what we do here on this site - we share that experience. Now, some people pointing are disingenuous because they tell us that they are giving us the truth when actually they are dressing up facts to sound true only to induce a behavior on your behalf that is beneficial - in a material sense, or in terms of increased adoration, or both - for themselves. They give information to increase their power and fuel their narcissism rather than for you joining them.

This happens in the magazines and it acts as a skein over the Truth - but only if you conform to it exclusively and choose not to see what it is (the root of ignorance is to ignore): namely, Truth with a veil of their self-interest intervening. Then, it is a partial truth, and must be seen in that light, in the light of your sober equanimity, to see what it has to offer.

Zaikes, what happened to your speaker, really?

And, thinking about a tubed pre?

Hurricanes have too much tube hassle for you - me too - but I wonder how they'd sound on your Apogees. Probably not enough current overall, but it would be ineresting to hera what they sounded like within that parameter.
Oh, did I allude to my blown crossover above? I'm not going back to see, and anyway I'm not sure who your last paragraph is directed towards (I don't have Apogees). But yes, one of my little ol' Thiels still is awaiting a factory vacation to take the cure, and no, I'm not thinking about a tubed pre right now, as I'm still getting aquainted with this Levinson 380S (so unromantically utilitarian, I know) that is trying to deflect and pacify me, but neither do I rule out future further explorations of the glowing-glass kind. And if your final thought was for me, my VTL amps have tubes a-plenty in 'em already, winds in excess of 75mph notwithstanding.