How would you characterize Herron?

I've read enough good things about the Herron amps and preamp that I'm interested in them. They seem to have lately updated them to improve some leanness in the low end too. Unfortunately, the one local Herron dealer is no longer a retail store so i can't demo them. Keith Herron has offered them with a 30 day trial. But before I do that I'd like to hear some additional characterizations and thoughts on the Herron components, and I'd like to hear how many people pair the Herron preamp with the amps? I'm curious about the tubed preamp/SS amp combo. These components have been characterized in reviews as musically accurate, but what exactly would that mean?

I have a sizable Craftsman-style room (lots of wood, but padded furniture too and rugs). I like mostly acoustic music, but sometimes opt for something with oomph too. My speakers are pretty efficient and my source is high-quality and smooth. I've found that the large room seems to exagerate any leanness in the low end. I'm looking for a keeper system.

Thanks for your input.
Keith and his wife are really nice folks.....They always have very good sound at the CES where we run into each other every year....Without opening your wallet quite a bit wider will you find much that is any better designed, built or sounding....
As far as I know that you might get an additional 10...15% discount(you should certainly ask for that) if you buy directly from Heron.
Being a owner of Keiths M-150 amps I would say I am very happy with them. I have owned for over 2 years now and no problems they are bullet proof and well built. Also he offers EXCELLENT service which in my IMHO is worth its weight in gold nowadays. He will go out of his way to please his customers . I have had my amps upgraded and he charges very little to do this shipping ,parts, labor and the results are out standing. He takes pride in his products and it shows in the results. The amps in my system disappear and only the music is there. They will tell you the truth also they will not cost you a fortune in the electric bill as they run very cool and efficient. They also are compact and take very little room, they are plain looking compared to most every other amp out there but the real beauty is on the inside.