Threshold Fet 10 pPC vs Fet 10 Pe Phono Pre?

Hoping someone can give me some insight into the Threshold phono front ends. I have a Threshold T3i line stage pre amp and I'm looking for a 'matching' Threshold phono pre amp, and I'm a bit confused...

On the Threshold Audio site they list both a Fet 10 PC and a Fet 10 Pe in their old/discontinued area of their site. I've seen pictures of some 10PC's and they don't really look like my T3i.

However on Jon Soderbergs web site about 2 thirds of the way down the archives page
there is a picture of a phono pre amp that looks much more like my T3i - smaller Threshold logo etc. Is this a Fet 10 Pe?

Can anyone give me some insight into this. Recently there have been some Fet 10 PC's for sale but I'll pass on them if it turns out there is a Fet 10 Pe or some other model designation that is a better match for my T3i.

Thanks in advance.

The "e" version of the Fet 10 P has the larger external power supply. Depending on the particular unit, an "e" version may or may not have XLR outputs in addition to the RCAs.

The T Series came AFTER Nelson Pass had left Threshold.

Best of luck,
Thank you for the responses. The gold badge is what threw me. The one on Jon Soderbergs site seems slightly thinner and has the gold badge while most of what I have seen for sale has silver badges although the silver badged ones do have external power supplies.


The FET 10/pc would make a wonderful match for your T3i. It makes a wonderful match for any preamp. I am now listening to a FET 9 with built-in phono stage, having sold my FET 10/pc about four years ago when I (very stupidly) thought I would get out of vinyl (oh, how very stupid of me at that time). So now that I have discovered (about three years ago) the errors of my ways and am more into vinyl than ever, and have run through several other phono stages, both built-in and separate, that the FET 10/pc is clearly the finest of them I have heard. I haven't done any serious listening to the high dollar ones (Boulder, Manley Steelhead, Pass Ono, etc.), but I have listening to several in the under $5K range and the FET 10/pc is their better in all cases. And, the larger, newer power supply works with the FET 10/pc, as well. If youi get one, you will never regret having done so. Sweet, musical, lyrical and wonderful to listen to.