Right now I have also andra,I order the stratos extreme
monos from Klaus, According to him. they will work just
fine, Ill see when they arrive.I heard the andra from
my sa 100, its sound good, Ill make a guess the 102 will
even work better, although, I heard the andras with classe,
they sound good, with Krell i think they seems too sound
lean, and bright, I dont find them matching well.I will
audition the 102 with andras.
monos from Klaus, According to him. they will work just
fine, Ill see when they arrive.I heard the andra from
my sa 100, its sound good, Ill make a guess the 102 will
even work better, although, I heard the andras with classe,
they sound good, with Krell i think they seems too sound
lean, and bright, I dont find them matching well.I will
audition the 102 with andras.