OTL Tube Amps-- are they superior to everything?

A recent conversation I had with an Audiogon member got me interested in OTLs. His opinion is that nothing compares to them for clarity, naturalness and superiority in just about every area. The Atmaspheres are the amps he has, and they are purportedly very stable, unlike most other OTL designs, which many can tell you were a living nightmare.

This is ironic, because some mfrs., like McIntosh, actually put output transformers on their better solid state pieces, claiming they provide superior sonics.

What is the truth here?
I agree that a Berning ZOTL differs from a normal OTL amp. The ZOTL has all the advantages, and none of the limitations of "normal" OTL.

As many of you already know, I feel that the ZOTL is the premier audio design in history, thus far. That being said, if I heard a better sounding amp that I could afford, I'd buy it tomorrow. Don't think that's too likely, and not because I didn't have the money.

Agree that there are speaker limitations with just about any amplifier, even high power SS ones. Nothing matches with everything perfectly.

To answer your question directly, I feel that tube amps do music better than SS, and OTL gives a clearer faster insight into the music, with the right speakers. ZOTL does that even better, and can do some things a nomal OTL could never do, such as allow true SET configuration, without the use or limitation of traditional audio output transformers.

This is all my humble opinion, and is not meant to disparage any other type of amp, or its manufacturer, or owner. I use the ZOTL product, and know its capabilities.
IMO, Tubegroover and Twl opinions are right on. Must use common since in speaker choice, but you may be amazed at how many speaker options are open to you. Take a listen, you may never want to hear another SS amp again.
Had a chance to spend a few hours with the new JC-1s. Very
nice amps. Nice design and nice sound. Nothing even close
to earth shattering, however. Certainly wouldn't swap my
D-400mkIIs for them. I'm surprised an OTL/tube guy would
make the jump to SS because of these amps.
Marakanetz: High impedance loads is where OTL's will really shine, especially if they are basically resistive in nature.

Meisterkleef: Only reporting what i've been told, so i don't know. As mentioned before though, i've also been told of another party that had $40K mono-blocks that dumped them and switched to the JC-1's. Obviously, they must be capable of some type of magic. Like anything else though, i would imagine that it was system specific and up to personal preference. Sean