Integrated amp to replace a MF Nu-vista M3?

Any opinions on an integrated amp to replace the Musical Fidelity m3.
Is there really anything that much better or just different?
I am considering the Bel canto evo2i, Pathos Logos,
& BAT vk 300x.
Other suggestions?
I want to stay with an integrated.
I will be driving a pair of verity audio fidelio speakers.
Digital is a Linn Ikemi cd player.
It would be helpful knowing more about your system (ie cables, accessories, room, music type) and especially what it is you feel you are missing. If you don't know what you are fixing it will be tough to know when you have fixed it. You already have an excellent amp and the differences are there with other units but it may not leave you any happier if you don't address this question first. I too have the musical fidelity and really have found nothing close for the same or even more money. You might wish to read a recent review on Audiogon by a chap who sold his and wishes he hadn't. There might also be certain tweaks you might wish to consider before dumping the whole unit. Drop a note if I can be of any help. Good luck in your quest
Tweak1 and Gajmusic make some excellent points. Before replacing equipment you should be sure that you've optimized what you already have.

While alot of people like the YBA Passion, you should note that in the recent Stereophile review one unit failed and its replacement suffered from blown fuses. The unit that failed died when the reviewer accidently shorted the speaker cables. The blown fuses resulted from driving the amplifier into clipping.
The unit (Passion) failed because of (and he say's this as clear as day) a mistake Sam Tellig made, inadvertantly thinking the amp was off, he touch the ends of two speaker leads. This is a fault of the Passion? Give me a break? You really have to be pushing that baby in the red zone to blow a fuse--as he probably was. He indicated that, as well. peace, warren
The Audio Research CA50 is a real sleeper among integrated tube amps. It is not in production any longer, but occasionally you can pick up one on Audiogon, and I guarantaee you that with the right equipment, it is an outstanding audiophile's delight! I have it in a system with the Arcam FMJ CD23 player, Silverline SR17 monitors, Acoustic Zen's Matrix II IC's and Satori speaker cables, with a Dedicated Audio Wattgate PDS power cord on the CD player, and dedicated power lines bringing the juice to Wattgate receptacles. I also cut the fixed power cord to the CA50 down to 12" and put a Wattgate plug on the end. I also use NOS 6922 driver tubes and KT88 power tubes instead of the stock tubes. This system sings! The CA50 produces a wide and deep soundstage with incredible definition and musical timbres. I have had systems that cost 5 times what I have in this one, but I've never enjoyed the music any more than with what I have now! It's a combination of all the component parts, but I can tell you that the CA50 is the heart of it!