Entry level tube amp to try

Sometime this spring I'll be upgrading, and I would like to hear what the "tube" sound is like. I currently have a rotel rb1080/krell krc-3 pre combo which I'm somewhat happy with, but I would like a fuller sound with more body.
I was thinking of getting an anthem amp-1 to try,just to get a feeling of what tubes sound like,but would like some input if this would give me a fair idea of the different type sound you get from tubes. Then when I upgrade, I'll no whether I might want to go tube or s.s.
I don't want to go demo anything at a retail store,because I'll probably buy here. thanks for any help
The Aronov integrated at about $1600 used on Audiogon is not only a taste of tube quality, but at 60 wpc easily drives most speakers in moderate size rooms beautifully without feeling need to upgrade further. The bass control is more like that of good solid state amp together with a natural, musical quality to the midrange and treble. What type of music and speakers do you intend to audition with your tube amp? Since tube amps do not all sound alike it is not so easy to extrapolate from the fine trial stage Anthem to your eventual tube "upgrade."
Tube amps seem to get a bad rap from many. This warm, rich, euphonic, dark sound is not typical of most of today's tube amps. Listening to one or two tube amps will not give you a clue to what certain tube amps can offer. There are tube amps that you would sware are SS. One tube amp can sound totally different from another. Please do not base your opinions on listening to just one or two tube amps. I believe tube amps have a sound just as SS amps. They all have their own sound. Listen to a Wytech compared to a Cary. A night and day difference. Wytech being day and Cary being night. Describe what kind of sound you are looking for and you will see what i mean from the posters. Neither amp may be in your price range, just giving you an idea that you can't label all tube amps as having a tube sound. Inna gave you two excellent choices. i couldn't believe what i heard from a modified Aronov integrated.
Try a Cary SL70, upgrade the caps and drop in some older tubes and your still under a Kilobuck