Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
Fellow Audiogoners, I am shocked and dismayed to read of your various attempts to stretch the truth. For what? A mere addictive passion for art? I admit that I too was once propelled to such measures. How did I overcome the temptation? The answer is simple and within easy reach. Overinsure! That's right. Take out enough life insurance to assure your spouse and children a life of ease in the event of your unfortunate demise. That simple action does wonders to bring out the sensitivity and honesty in all of us ;-) Enjoy the music! To apply, dial 1-800-Too-Much.
New power cords and interconnects go rather unnoticed!
I have auditioned so many components, my wife figures I'll probably send it back. After 36 years, she pretty much has accepted my addiction! When I upgraded my LP 12 and ML preamp years ago, they looked identical to their ancestors, no problem! I am a little more open about my purchases now.
Cartriges went unnoticed also! Honesty pays. Your wife could hide some pretty expensive jewelry!
Who knew that I could be this covert? If I knew what type of talent it took to smuggle new and/or expensive gear in and outta the house without my wife finding out, I would've been a first class drug smuggler or top rate spy for the US. It's a crazy game we're playing, but "LONG LIVE THE AUDIO/VIDEOPHILE."