Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase

This could lead to a hysterical thread. How many audiophiles have come home with an expensive amp/preamp/and told their wife they bought it for practically nothing? Only to have paid 3-4K they had in their private stash? How many audiophiles have secretly installed a new "toy" in their audio system thinking their wife wouldn't notice. My old girlfriend thought anything beyond a boombox was excessive. Whenever I would upgrade my system,I would come up with some far fetched tale(lie) Would love to hear your story.......
it is nice to know that i am not the only one.

after 15 years of marriage, i cant tell you how many fights and arguments that have happened ( the first one was over a pair of vandersten 2ci's).

my wife has been very good overall and i shouldnt complain.

I got my audio dealer to write me a fake invoice for my Paradigm Studio 100 v2 speakers with rosenut veneer. $800.
I'm thinking of starting an audio support group for those members that have lived to their spouses about their expenditures. The line starts at the end of the block.