Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Jebsmith73 and JMCgrogan2, well it appears that Matthew Bond pulled the plug on that speacial discounted sale of the limited run of the Tara labs Zero Gold I/Cs, I supose he might have gotten flack from dealers who still had some in stock?, the ad was suppose to run till 11-30-14, it is expired on my end, cheers.
Audiocrack, I suggest you read my review here on this thread!, diconnect your ground station to your interconnect, put your componet ground on your troy whatever, or put your componet ground on a componet, and keep disconnecting the ground wire from the station at the box end of the station, it is substantial of a noise drop, it's a seperate circuit!, Then come back and admitt I know what I'm saying!, I have 25 years exsperience with Tara, what do you have?, what research have you done?, do you know everything their is to know about current Tara cables and past cables?, If you do not, then listen to me, why fight the truth of the matter, I have proof!
Btw audiocrack, I do have the exsperience with the top Tara cables!, I have some, really!, if I were you, I would not listen to that dealer you have, I bet he does not sale the top Tara cables, but sales the tripoint troy products, come on man, wake up!
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