please help with amp and speaker selection

I'm trying to decide whether to buy a vintage Mac amp (SS) to use with my Carver C-1 preamp OR to purchase a used Simaudio I-5 integrated. The Carver is collecting dust so I'd like to use it if I decide to go the way of separates. Will the C-1 be much of a hinderance to the sound quality of the McIntosh? I'll be purchasing speakers after I decide on the amp so any help there is greatly appreciated too. I'd like to spend less than $1000 for speakers...used is fine too. My listening room is small - appx. 14X10. I currently have an HT system but the two channel quality is awful. I listen mainly to classic jazz, blues and rock. My source, for the time being, is a Sony DVP-S7700.

Thanks in advance for your time and tips!
I am no real expert, but I would drop the Mac idea and maybe list the Carver here @ Audiogon. I truley believe a budding audiophile should Find the Best Speakers you can afford that fit your taste. Trying as many amp combos as possable. I would even say Blow your wad on those Speakes. Then get a little cheap used Hybrid Int/Amp to hold you over till you find the componites you would die for. I bought a used Jolida 1o3 for a couple hundred bucks and now I have the tube bug! Good Luck ;-)
Ok..I've decided on a different route...a Classe CAP-101 ...purchased used here. Maybe now we can narrow my speaker choices!
I'm looking at the Simaudio I5 and the Audio Physic Spark III as a combo. Anyone have this setup or comments on this setup? Also which speaker cables to use? My room is 16w 19d and 9 high.