Any SS class A experience to share?

I'm looking to upgrade from my beloved VAC Avatar SE only because I'd like tighter bass. Depth is fine, but I also want "slam". I'm thinking: Tube preamp with a Class A Solid State amp. The VAC is only 30 watts in triode mode and that is more than enough for my efficient JMLab mini utopias, so I'd rather not spend the money on power I don't need. Can anyone out there share their experience with these types of amps, especially when mated to tube preamps such as C-J, VAC, Hovland, Blue Circle, VTL, Asthetix, ...
Ag insider logo xs@2xduddley
Spectral DMA-200, class A up to its rating of 200 watts @
8 ohms, 380 watts @ 4 ohms. Does not need MIT cables, but
I recommend them, at least the MI-750 series, low impedance.
It idles at 800 watts, so it uses alot of juice from the
wall to get that 200 watts. The fans can be noisy, so replace if necessary, no heat sinks. Lots of circuit protection and is impervious to short or open circuits, will
only have to replace fuses (mostly). Cost is around $1500
for a used one in 7/8 out of 10. There were a few on A'gon
last month. Superior sound at a fraction cost of new. The
best bargain on the market for a very special amp that is so liquid with very taut bass. I have two and would not part with them for love nor money.
The Forte' model 1A might be an option if you want to keep the price way down and don't need the wattage. This is a Nelson Pass design (50w/ch pure class A). I ran this into Thiel CS1.2's when I got out of college and it worked very well. It certainly isn't anywhere near the quality of a VAC, but it is a very liquid sounding amp for the price.
I've got to second the Pass suggestion, which is a common one for its tube-like liquidity.
More interesting is that I tried to run my Parsifal Encores with a dealer-recommended Avatar a while back. The spectral trampolining it provided was so severe that none of us could believe it! I finally got out the old RS SPL and carefully measured upper bass and low-treble huge peaks, and a VERY rolled off top octave. Horns were unlistenable!
VAC simply responded that the EL84 (?) is commonly non-linear (even in a well-behaved load like the Verity's!), and that I should try their $9000 monos. I tried Acurus, Krell, NAD Silver, and other SS brittle crap (but at least they were linear!), and found nirvana with a pair of Aleph 2 monos (mono version of the 5 mentioned above: 100/160 8/4, 300w idle EACH!). And YES, there is magic with all Class A. I also use a small portable Class A mic preamp from GRACE that is astonishing in its purity and grace.
It's the Class A more than the tubes, IMO....
Though I don't feel I have personal experience with anything to recommend here, I do notice that many of the respondents seem to be focusing on the class-A request and the fact that Duddley uses tube power now to recommend 'tube-like' gear such as the Alephs, when what he's asking for is bass slam. Class-A or not, at least when it comes to the smaller models such as Duddley seems to want, I don't recall the single-ended Alephs as being noted for their slam.
There's ahuge difference between the well-known bass-shy Aleph 30w 3 and the larger ones. A 12AWG PC helps, too.