Need A Quick Education

I am narrowing down a short-list of preamplifiers that have the features I want. Unable to audition them, I wanted to know what a good "Signal to Noise" ratio is. I am seeing 90dB through up to 102dB. Is a higher number here better? I know that with CD and SACD/DVDA players a higher S/N ration is a good thing, is it the same with preamps? If I run an SACD player through a preamp with a 90dB (or lower), what am I losing? BTW: all the pre's I am looking at are SS and the one in the lead has a s/n of 90dB. Thanks in advance!!
Trey, there are many more dealers for AR than the one in NY, Hi-End Theater & Audio in Dallas for one. Check out this link to locate an AR dealer near you:

Best of luck. FYI - a higher SNR is quieter.
Thanks, Creeper! I couldn't find a dealer list to save my life when I was doing my searches. Now I can give this a listen and decide for myself! Thanks again!
S/N is a measure for the poweramp that matters more than S/N measure for the preamp...
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