Opinions on Sunfire, Carver Lightstar amps

Hi, what are people's opinions on these amps. I know Carver isn't in business no more. How did people like the Carver Lightstar amps and the Sunfire amps. How is this Sunfire Signature Stereo Amp, thats 600w x 2.
Bob Carver's Signature products are excellent performers. I think they are far better than most folks give them credit for. They are built like tanks, very good looking, high quality input and output connectors (much higher grade than the non-signature products). I own a Sunfire Cinema Grand signature amp (405w x 5), and I use it for both 2 channel and HT purposes, using separate preamps for each. It has finesse, power, blah blah blah...
I am very happy with mine. I'm not a dealer or have any affiliation with Sunfire. I'm just a satisfied customer. The Signature Stereo would be a great choice to drive speakers that demand a lot of current.
The Lightstar II, which was designed by a team headed by someone other than Bob Carver (Jim Croft) was reviewed in TAS a few years ago by Robert E Greene. REG called it "perfect." I don't know what the Sunfire amps have in common with the Lightstar, but have heard good things about them.
I own the original Lightstar Reference amp and can vouch for its outstanding performance and sound. Rich, tubelike sound without the care and feeding often associated with same, and prodigious power to boot.
I, too, have a Lightstar Reference. Drives my stats with ease. Sounds pretty amazing.