Opinions on Sunfire, Carver Lightstar amps

Hi, what are people's opinions on these amps. I know Carver isn't in business no more. How did people like the Carver Lightstar amps and the Sunfire amps. How is this Sunfire Signature Stereo Amp, thats 600w x 2.
I can tell you I am lucky to have the Lightstar Reference ver.1 (2 Ac cords Dual Transformer and built-in line conditioning) not clear on the difference between the original Lightstar Reference, and the newer 2.0? - anyway I drive a set of Magnepan MG1.6/QR (Magneplanar loudspeakers) with all the volume I need with no apparent need for more, and can say I think it's a very good fit, with a wonderful detail and presentation with a very nice soundstage, - and I compared it to the Sunfire Cinema Grand Series as my friend (Rolland at Hi-tech Audio) had the Sunfire at the same time we auditioned the lightstar, they both could drive anything you want with ease, but I did prefer the earlier model Lightstar to the newer Model Sunfire Cinema Grand Series for my Magnepan MG1.6/QR loudspeakers, in a single word I would say the Lightstar was a Fuller sound. And would be Very reluctant to get rid of this Amp. without having something better to replace it.
IME, his 1st Sunfire power amp was a killer. Played especially well (no pun) w/ Vandersteen speakers.
Sunfire Signature 2x600 (2x1200 @ 4 ohms) into my Magnepan 1.7's... I'm not looking to change/upgrade anything... it's great.