$3000 MF a3.2 seperates or Arye Integrated or ?

If you were going to spend around $3000 would you get seperates or an integrated? Here is some info on the system:
Office system, music only, small room(12x13).
Sonus Faber monitors-4 ohm around 90db sensitivity.
Will buy a new CD Player after I finish this purchase.

I am really up in the air on what gear to get, I have been thinking maybe Musical Fidelity A3.2 seperates, or the new Ayre integrated. And to through in a curve, maybe even get a used Sonic Frontiers Line 1 and Sonic Frontiers amp.
Any and all opinions welcome.
Shop around and you can get the YBA Passion Integre for about $3300, plus or minus, NEW! I love mine. Read my review, in the archives. Give a listen, or just by it on my say so. peace, warren
I had SF Concertos mated with BC preamp and Bryston power amp. After hearing Audiomat tube integrated, I sold my seperates and got their Arpege Reference. Try to audition one.
It is a French made all tube integrated. Their north america web site is http://www.mutine.com/pages/products.html
Like I said earlier, try to audition one. Good luck.
Still haven't picked anything yet. But I am ruling out the Sonic Frontiers Equipment. So it is either a Ayre Integrated or the MF seperates. And maybe something from Primare. Here is the deal, I want this purchase to be a keeper. Should I rule out the integrated? I was just thinking if I change speakers at some point will the Ayre work with a pair of lower sensitivity speakers like Dynaudio(86 db and 6ohm)?