In a very rough guess I would say my listening impressions are the same as yours. Yesterday I listened to my friends BAT VK30 and VK200 combo on his B&W N803 speakers It seemed very nice, more liquid and laid back than my Rogue Magnum99 and Plinius SA100 MKIII that we had heard on the same system about 6 weeks ago. I would agree my stuff was more detailed and forward also the bass was punchier.
Again this is a preliminary impression of only a few hours listening and weeks of time between actually hearing the first system.
In a very rough guess I would say my listening impressions are the same as yours. Yesterday I listened to my friends BAT VK30 and VK200 combo on his B&W N803 speakers It seemed very nice, more liquid and laid back than my Rogue Magnum99 and Plinius SA100 MKIII that we had heard on the same system about 6 weeks ago. I would agree my stuff was more detailed and forward also the bass was punchier.
Again this is a preliminary impression of only a few hours listening and weeks of time between actually hearing the first system.