Jeff Rowland model 302...

Has anybody had a chance to hear this new amp?? I know it's pricey BUT..... how does it sound compared to the Rowland model 10 or 12 mono's and older model 8 TiHC and model 9 TiHC's mono's. How good is it compared to the Accuphase A-50V OR Parasound JC-1's or any other amps??

Thanks - Chris
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I have the Model 12 mono's and am very impressed by the high resolution/speed. I have spoken to a JR dealer (whom I trust) they have a 302 and describe the 302 as the 12's taken to a whole new level...resolution/speed/power difference like night and day.

I can't wait to hear this amp!
I too would like to know more about these amps? Anyone care to chime in here?
Chris & others - I own a 302 and used to own a model 10. The 302 is *much* better. The difference in power is obvious, but the even more significant improvements include better low level resolution, deeper, more authoritative bass, and, overall, a much "cleaner" and neutral sound. After hearing the 302, I was amazed at how much grunge and coloration the 10 had in comparison. I auditioned the JC-1s and it was a toss-up for me vis a vis the model 10. The JC-1s were much more powerful and authoritative, whereas the 10 had better resolution of texture, etc. (IMPORTANT CAVEAT: I was using different power cords on the 10 and the JC-1s, so this was in some ways an apples vs oranges comparison) I kept the 10, but, once I heard the 302, I had to have it. The latter has the strenghs of both the other amps and much more. I have not heard the Accuphase amp. I can only say that, in my opinion, the 302 is a very special amp. Good luck with your audition(s).