Music Reference RM9 - user comments please

I am considering of getting a used RM9 for my Merlin-TSM, can any user of the amp comments.
Pubul: I suspect that Roger gave you a set of matched tubes. In my experience, tube matching makes a huge positive difference in the sound. It sounds like you have ordered another set of KT-88s from another supplier. Will these be matched as well?
Roger's tubes are amazingly well matched in circuit. It really makes me question some of the folks out there selling "matched" pairs and quads. I won't name names but you do wonder if some of these tubes really are matched. Roger's are for sure. I ordered the Genalex from Jim McShane who seems to have a good reputation for taking care in matching tubes. They arrived last night, and I will run them tonight and check their bias in operation.
I installed the KT88s (Genalex from Jim McShane) and they bias perfectly (all within 5%) which is very encouraging. He seems to be really matching the sets. The Genelex sound great, but I'm going have to A/B for a while to see if I prefer them to Roger's - it may not matter one bit as the amp sound great with both. I think one can feel comfortable buying from either Roger or Jim - and of course Andy at Vintage Tube Services for NOS.
Well, I still own the Music Reference RM9 Special Edition, I still love it, and I don't think I will ever sell it. After a few years, I starting missing my RM10 MKIIs, and bought them again this week - if 35 watts is enough power, it gives the RM9SEs a run for their money (the RM9SEs are 5x$$$), but of course the RM9SEs will drive many more speakers, including tough loads (e.g., Theil). They look beautiful, the sound wonderful, and they appear to be made to outlast you. While perfer the Atma-sphere amps with my speakers (Merlin VSMs), there is no way I'm selling the MRs, they are amps you can live with as long as you still listen to music, and the only remorse is if you sell them.
Clio9, after a lot of experimenting, and too came to the conclusion that with my speakers, the EL34 approach worked best, though the KT88s were pretty darn good, and different sounding, a different amp with that tube change.