Quad ESL or Soundlab?

Have anyone compared those two brands? Both of them are ESL, I have heard the New Quad 2805 driven with Quad's 15watt tube mono block, they sounded amazing, very transparent and uncolored. Didn't have chance to hear Soundlab yet but will be very interesting to hear from ppl who have heard both speakers.

No discussion possible the best electrostatic speakers ever build in whole history are :
1) Legendary Beveridge 2 SW (world's most holographic 3-D speaker ever)
2) Legendary 4 stacked Quad 57 ESL's.

All other current and old eletrostatics speakers will be beaten by those two legendary speakers.

Soundlab has a big soundstage but is lesser musical than Beveridge or Quad ESL 57(stacked).
Listen to the magical midrange and nothing will do.
hello mr tennis
cant explain why they sounded awfull, maybe you didnt give them enough time. I own the .5. they only sound as good as the equipment put through them, they are a true breakthrough product, what the industry has been needing for years. Oh and the WAF is very much there also.
Thanks for all you replies. I have not heard the older Quad speakers 57, 63 but the 2805 sound very truthful to my ears. I have not audition the soundlab yet, from what I have heard they required careful amp/amps matching to sound its best. Thanks for all you comments and keep them coming.

I recall hearing Quads (57's) at a NYC show. The person showing the speakers was "Gizmo" Harvey (so sorry but I can't recall his real name) and they were quit impressive. Delicate, clean, open and real. The was not much bass and they played at a low level.
I also heard (on or about that same year and possibly at that same show ) SoundLabs A-1. I hated them....BECAUSE.....they blew me away and I could not have them due to their size. I remember listening to them and saying to myself..."boy sound like I'm in the concert hall....what can I find that I dislike about these speakers"? I could not!!
To me...Soundlabs...if they were smaller could be in my home right now.

Rick (RWD)
Hi Spyddie,

Just a different perspective on the Quad 2805's. I've owned mine for about 18 months and absolutely love them. I am using a Mac 275 amp and the new Mac c2300 preamp. After many different speakers over the years, the Quads are long term keepers.

These Quads are extremely transparent and surprisingly dynamic. They can play more than loud enough for me without strain and have low enough bass with impact to make rock exciting. No they don't rattle the floor but I can hear all the bass notes and kick drum in the music I listen to. And of course they have a sense of midrange transparency and realism that at times is just surprising. There is no listening fatigue, even after hours of listening. I just end up feeling refreshed and relaxed.

I've had mine in three different rooms from small to large to medium and they do fine, yet different, in each. Spending the time with careful set-up will result in a big pay off.

Regarding a narrow sweet spot, I have not noticed that with mine, but I only have one listening chair and typically listen alone. However, adjusting the amount of toe-in will have an impact on the sweet spot.

Each to his own, I guess. Good luck!
