How would audio program about stereo on Radio do

Hi, how do people think an audio program about stereo equipment would do on the radio. I see on radio they have health, money and other types of programs. How would a 2 hour audio program a day do? It would be a program where people would call about audio questions, or comparing products etc. It would be good if they had Michael Freamer or one of these knowledgable audiophiles as the host.
I suspect the market would be too small. Everybody cares about health and money, so it's reasonable to expect that a fraction of them would tune in to a program on those subjects. But not many people really care about audio, so you're talking about a fraction of a fraction as a potential audience. Can't take that to the bank.
Unfortunately Bomarc is right.

The public is more concerned with the picture size and quality of their television than reproduced music.
I used to listen to one at work, it was back in the late 70's. I can't remember what it was called though. It was on am radio, I think on one of the talk radio channels.