Antique Sound Lab....Triode????

I just learned that the new Antique Sound Lab Hurricane amplifier can run in Triode mode as well as "regular" mode. Can some one tell me the difference and what that means? I have Infinity RS 1-B's and was looking for something with more power then I already has (now using ARC VT 100 mkll @ 100 watts per). This was never mentioned in TAS review....I would think it would be very important??? Any info would help... Thanks!
rwd is where it gets interesting. From what I understand, Harry Pearson heard the version with the old cap's. The newer ones (oil and paper???) were reported to be not as good???? At least from some folks who were heard the two with HP. Another reviewer, however, reports that the ones with the newer caps are better? Uhmmmmmmmmmmm..........very interesting!

Anyway, I will wait and see what comes in. Maybe if we all (who ordered this baby) can compare if we have different versions?
I wonder if Mr. Pearson gave the oil caps the necessary 200+ break-in hours needed?

Perhaps this (while maybe too simplistic?) explains the slight disparity between the two reviewers?

I too will also "join in the fray" with my comments, when I receive my Hurricane's.
Yes....good to hear! I must say, I just might call my dealer and ask him to obtain for me the "newer" version. He ordered the origional version at my request.