Aragon 4004 mk2 vs Adcom 555 mk2

Anyone done any real comparisons with these 2 amplifiers? Opinions on both? Bass,mids,highs,soundstaging? Thanks
You are right.. I checked Aball.. no argument.Maybe it's the powerguard or sentry monitor circuits they use in these models.I also listened to my 7106 on the 100v2s.And it was rolled off in comparison to the Adcoms and it did sound better because of this.The Paradigms can be bright when hooked to the wrong amp.So you also can use your own advice aswell.I sold an MX 132 to one of your fellow Brits..Mac makes good stuff.I enjoyed it just like every other amplifier I have owned ...sorry there is no perfect peice of equipment! But you already know I like having arguments with you! Heh ha hee

Enjoy the Mac.. Arthur and Happy Listening!
Gmood1: I take it your running Paradigm Reference series 100 floorstanders?? If you think those speakers are bright sounding, add some room treatments. Paradigm's can actually be very mellow and smooth sounding if you take care of all the first reflection points in your sound room.
Thanks Ritteri for the advice.Actually I'am using Magnepans at home.I have a friend that owns the 100v.2s and I have spent many hours listening to them with different equipment.I see you use Voodoo aswell..these are some giant killer cables.And another good product thats overlooked because of it's price.I think I could change some minds about the Adcom gear when mated to Planars or Electrostatics.No one could deny it not sounding good when setup properly.Of course there will always be trade offs in something.I don't get the bass of the Paradigm or any other box speakers but I do gain clarity ,speed and inner detail with the Maggies.A trade off I'am willing to live with.
Gmood1 - Ok, here is another argument for you - LOL! ;)

I read a McIntosh white paper on the power guards and the distortion sensing circuit has a super high input impedance (order of 1 Gohm) which effectively takes it out of the circuit. Very clever use of JFETs.

The smooth, thick sound that McIntoshes have is probably due to fairly high negative feedback IMO. The Mc guys are all true electrical engineers so NFB is a requirement in their book (and mine too to some extent). The newer designs use less NFB than the older ones like our amps due to BJT improvements but nonetheless, it is a type of sound you have to like to appreciate, I realize. The upshot is that they are indestructible (especially with autoformers but I digress...) and have lower distortion than most amps out there.

Anyway, good system matching is most critical for hi-fi sound regardless of the equipement used. The best sound I have ever heard was a McIntosh MC602 (and C42) with Martin Logan Prodigys. Wow - I will never forget it. One day I will have Mcs and electrostats as the synergy was obvious in the first 3 seconds of music - it sounded like 600W of crystal clear tube amps.

Cheers and enjoy the music! Arthur
I got a question for all of you on feedback. Some people say they can hear feedback in amps, others say they cant. What does negative feedback soundlike? Background noise? I know my cd player is a 0 feedback design, and I run all balanced xlr connections, plus my amps are true balanced designs too(but Im not sure if they are 0 feedback designs, probably not)but I cant hear any extraneous noise when music is playing or between passages or tracks. What am I listening for(if its even possible to detect it in my system)?