Classe 201 -vs- Odyssey Stratos

OK, after all the positive feedback on the Stratos Amp, I'm wondering what sort of differences I can expect between the qualities of these two amps? The Classe 201 is 3,300.00 and the Stratos is 1200.00. I've had the Classe in my home for an audition and it was really nice, but before I spend all that money I want to try the Stratos to see if I agree with all the positive reviews.

Interestingly enough I only ordered the amp after reading the forums on AudioGon. I called Odyssey at about 6pm on Friday, and the guy who runs Odyssey (Klause) answered his cell phone while he was driving home! I think it was pretty cool that Klause had his business phone forwarded to his cell so he didn't miss a business call. I've been around audio for a long time, and I've never experienced this kind of service. However, I wil not keep the amp if it cannot match the performance of the higher priced amps.

I'm looking for feedback from others who have auditioned this amp against Classe 201.

I compared the two, albeit in different systems with different speakers (classe 201 w. revel performa 20's) & odyssey w. vandersteen ce signatures). I selected the odyssey stratos and have been very happy, just a better overall performer IMO.
Hey Rjones, did you get the monoblock version of the Stratos or the basic Stratos. Also wondering if you got the cap upgrade?

If you think the Stratos was better than the Classe 201, can you tell me where it pulled ahead? I cant wait to see for myself how this thing performs!

I got my stratos a week ago, i have extreme monos,
I ll tell you they are very good, I have only 120
hours on them,but the sound I am hearing is good.
I have heard the classe 201 they are good too,but
IMO I like the the stratos better, they are very
smoooth.. and natural. and powerful.
i recieved my odyssey extreme mono's a month or so ago,
time to go listen to tunes, i'm going to forget about surffing the net for a while and enjoy my music-enough said