Why go with active preamp?

I've got 1) source, 15" I/C's, don't need a remote, and my CDP has a buffered output stage. So I've begun to wonder, why do I need an active preamp? Can the sound be tweaked enough with the power amp and source?

Any comments on why you chose an active over passive preamp?
With a passive preamp direct you should be looking for an amp with an input sensitivity under 1 volt. I use
a Gamut D200, and a passive preamp with the D200 set at it's .775 volt input sensitivity, with 5 meters of interconnect cable between the preamp & amp. Having just tried a active preamp for comparisons, there's no lack of dynamics, resolution, bass or treble response. As Marakanetz points out the midrange presence is affected.
In my system,the active preamp moves the midrange forward
as the volume is increased. Allowing that the power amp/speaker and impedance interfaces are good, adjustable input sensitivity on the amp and variable gain controls on the preamp would allow a user to dial in the sound they want, but there aren't many products that offer that feature.
i have 2 bel canto evo 200.2 amps bridged in my system
i am thinking of buying cary 306/200 cdp with volume
control and going directly to amps.the specs on amps
are input level for full stereo output is 2 volts,cary output is 3 volts.will i lose dynamics with this setup
I have also the adcom gfa 750, when I used the passive
mode, micro and macrodynamic disappear.From my experience
I tried cd players with volume, one is from high end co.
and I also have the AH Cd player, without preamp the music
is lifeless.WADIA IS THE ONLY CD that performs very well.
Remember Wes Philip is the one who review the adcom CLASS
A,Its design by Nelson Pass if Iam correct.If i were you
I will find a weaker link on your system, I do believe
the adcom its one of the best preamp there.

now that I'm running my Sony Xa7es direct. Run direct, my system is more extended to the extremes, more dynamic, and the tranparency is unparalleled in my experience with CD. I'd love to know why, but ain't complaining. I power my Kharma 1.0CE's with the Cary 300SE Sig.
the above should read...my CAT sits unused in the corner, now that I run my xa7es direct.