Speaker match for Plinius 8200 Mk II

Any recommendations for speakers that sound good with the Plinius 8200 Mk II integrated amp? I'm wanting a full-range, three-way speaker pair in the $4000-$5000 (retail) price range. I want something that weighs in at less than 100 pounds (45 kilos). I'm looking for a straight forward, sealed box design - no ported boxes and nothing such as electrostatics, etc.

Speaker cable recommendations to go with the speaker recommendations would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thanks in advance.

Totem Forest despite being only two way but weigh 100lB per pair and dive onto 20Hz at ease with -3db. and to 26Hz flat.
They're great for medium and small size rooms.
Dynaaudio 1.3 or 1.8 might also match your quest.
don..if used speakers are not out of the question i would vote for either a used pair of piega p-8 ltds or,if your room is large enough,a pair of used p-10s.the 8s' you could probably get for about $5k and a little bit more for the 10s'.they weigh in at about 70 lbs and 90 lbs respectively.they combine ribbon mids and tweeters with vifa woofers and are superb speakers.i have p-10s that i think are one of the best speakers i have ever heard.jonathan valin,in a review he did in june '01 said they were 'one of only 3 affordable reference speakers he would own'.the ribbons and vifas' integrate seamlessly.they image unbelievably,are very transparent and the mids and highs are to die for.as for speaker cables to go with them i use hms gran finales' that i think are the most musical cables i have heard. i sold my valhallas' for them.in my system...goldmund mimesis 29m amp,audio tekne 'simona' preamp and piega p-10 speakers they are better then the valhallas' good luck...calloway
if used speakers are not out of the question...

I based my spending limit on a specific retail dollar amount knowing that used speakers will cost less. That's why I specifically used the words "retail dollar amount". In other words, I fully intend to buy used and that puts your suggestion way out of my price range, but thanks. I guess I could have been more clear on this.

Also, I may need to reconsider not reviewing ported designs. I was told today that ported designs are much more typical than they were 15 years ago (the last time I bought speakers).

I would seriously look at the B&W Nautilus 803's. I have the 804's with the Plinius and it is a great combo.