Best used 5 channel amp for under $3k?

I am looking to upgrade my home theater amp. Currently, I am running Revel Performa speakers (M20s, etc.) with a B&K Ref 50 processor/pre-amp and an assortment of generally inadequate amps.

I am looking for the best used 5 channel amp available in the $2500 ballpark. My use is 60% movie / 40% music. I am considering the Classe CAV-180 and the Bryson 9B-SST. I insist on having balanced XLR inputs. Any thoughts on these two amps or other alternatives in this price range? Thanks.
If you could find an EAD powermaster 2000 at the top of your price range, I would snatch it up. The caveat to that is that I would make sure it has the Plitron (spelling?) transformer which was used in later versions of the amp because of problems with a faint hum created by the transformer that was used in the amps when they first went on the market. (I'm not sure when EAD changed to the Plitron). The PM 2000 is visually stunning, delivers 400 watts X 5 channels into 8 ohms and it drove my Martin Logan Quests and Logos (which dip down to the 1-2 ohm range) without any strain whatsoever. It is a musical amp, with exquisite accuracy of tone, timbre, dynamic and spacial information without sounding analytical or dry. Within it's generous sound stage subtle and accurate spacial placement of instruments create an experience that is much more involving or "live" than the sound of other multichannel amps I had auditioned (as well as many stereo and monoblocs). And I can't forget to comment on the awe-inspiring, effortlessly tight, visceral bass this amp can produce. Having experienced the PM 2000 in my system for 2 years, my impression is that it is truly an audiophile caliber amplifier, it's performance equally stunning for stereo or multichannel listening. I'm not usually so verbose or hyperbolic. However, I think this amp deserves an enthusiastic and detailed review. Stereophile's review praised the PM 2000 with, of course, the certain correctness of descriptors as well as a coherent, systematic analysis and easily understandable commentary, all of which, unfortunately, my response definitely lacks. So, you might want to check out that review if you are at all interested. Good luck and good listening. Regards, Judd
Hey Cytocycle - I hate to tell you, but if you don't like bipolar amps, you shouldn't like your EAD either. The EAD amps are fully bipolar - input and output. As you have proved to us, bipolars can indeed sound quite nice! I agree with you, system synergy is the most important ingredient, no matter the price.

Bruce: you could also try the BAT 6200. I forgot to mention it earlier but it may be a great compromise between your two possibilities. It may be a bit expensive however. Take care - Arthur
I am going with the Earthquake Cinenova as well. This is one HECK of an amp at ANY price.

Bring a friend to help lift it though!

EAD, Sunfire Signature, Aragon, or Cinepro. EAD being the best sounding of the bunch.