Best used 5 channel amp for under $3k?

I am looking to upgrade my home theater amp. Currently, I am running Revel Performa speakers (M20s, etc.) with a B&K Ref 50 processor/pre-amp and an assortment of generally inadequate amps.

I am looking for the best used 5 channel amp available in the $2500 ballpark. My use is 60% movie / 40% music. I am considering the Classe CAV-180 and the Bryson 9B-SST. I insist on having balanced XLR inputs. Any thoughts on these two amps or other alternatives in this price range? Thanks.
Bruce - my first multichannel amp was the KAV-500. I use my system 70/30 for music, and the Krell drove my (then) NHT 2.9's SO much better than the receiver it replaced. When I upgrade my front speakers to the Dynaudio Contour line, it still sounded pretty good, but then I put a KAV-250a up front for the L/R and that opened them up a lot. I've since replaced the KAV-250a with an FPB-200c. I've kept the KAV-500 for the center and surrounds throughout. Someday (always someday!) we'll redo our basement and I'll do 7.1 for HT, utilizing the two extra KAV-500 channels I currently have.

Yes, there are those of us who still like Krell a lot. Lots of negative comments in these parts about Krell and the like, but for HT and for the music I like (and the speakers I like) they're superb. I think every hobby has the successful brands that become the target of others in the hobby. Luckily, we don't have all listen to the same system, the same music, and we don't all have to hate HT. -Kirk
Bruce, I have the krell kav-500 in my system also and it is a great amp. I had a krell ksa-250 for my mains so I added the kav-500 for center and rears. I have not listened to anything else I would rather have at any price.
Sounds like you made the right choice in pairing up warm speakers with cool amp. Synergy like that is the most important factor - glad you saw through the fog ;).

I had a Krell KSA100 that I thought was nice but I ended up selling it for a warmer amp. Krell does seem to get a generally bad rap but I like McIntosh which tends to get beaten up too. Hey, if you like your system, who cares what others think! I always see asking here for advice as as an exercise of curiosity rather than a foundation for my opinions. Take care and enjoy - Arthur