Processor Loop for 2 channel?

I keep seeing 2-channel preamps (Adcom, McIntosh, etc.)advertising a processor loop for integration with a home theater set-up. My problem is that I don't see how a loop would work. The idea of using a 2-channel preamp would be to have a "better" preamp then the one in a Preamp/processor and route 2 channel music through it instead of the processor but then use the pre/pro when watching movies or other multi-channel music.

I've seen a few preamps advertise a "unity gain" or HT pass-through and this makes sense. I just don't see how a processor loop would work. Can anyone explain this to me?
I owm a Adcom gfp-750 with processor loop, basically you use 1 set of cables out of the Adcom into your processor and another set out of the processor into the preamp. When you are watching movies you turn on both processor and pramp, engage the proc loop switch so you can hear your main speakers during movie use. You do not use the proc loop for 2-channel, the preamp operates normally,and the processor does not have to be turned on. An advantage of the Adcom as well is a passive/active switch for 2-channel (active boosts the gain by a few db's) Hope this helps!
I am in a dilemma of trying to do this also.

I have a FT Audio Passive preamp and a Lexicon CP-3Pro which I plan to use.Amps are a Modified B&K ST-202 and a B&K AV2500 Series II for the CC and the rears.

The logic is to allow you to keep your 2ch. seperate from your HT playback.It is my aim to do exactly that.

The question I have is seeing that I have 2 outputs on the FT Audio do I use one for the ST-202 and the other with a "Y" connector for the Sub and the processor?

If anyone can shed light on this please do!
