Back to the audio future, going backwards

I do not know what is happening. I happen to have started in the audiophile race with a pair of carver amps, before and during the crummy college years, and since getting some sort of paying job, have invested heavily in a multitude of audiophile amps, speakers, sold, bought etc... I can count all the amps I have had since this race began fullfledged. In the last 3 years, I bought and sold 2 Audio Refinement Completes, 1 used PA-7 Nakamichi, a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 (new), a SFL-2 Preamp, have acquired a pair of Blue Circle BC-2 (on trade), a McCormack DNA 225, an Assemblage SET 300 amp, have sold a pair of EPOS ES11, have bought them back, also bought a pair of Sub monitors, handmade a pair of full range drivers etc...It is a never ending thing. Now, I wonder if there are people out there who have actually minimized their systems and have gotten more satisfaction than running their 500+lbs Godzilla amp+preamp, as well as their monoliths of speakers in their livingrooms. Lately I have been perousing more at the DYI and the SET websites. The problem is that I do not have the DYI or the technical background to start any major project. Also, I have been more interested in what the Brits do with their underpriced integrated and their measly monitors. Are they really having more fun than we do here in the States or are they simply exaggerating their perceptions of audio, disregarding the limitations of their living spaces and budgets? Any recommendations in actual simplifications in audio as well as simple technical titles for DYI beginners would be much appreciated!
At some point it makes sense to stop worrying about upgrading and instead just sit back and listen to the music. As someone pointed out above, no matter what you do it's never going to sound live.

For myself if I went from dual RELs to a single REL subwoofer would my system suddenly become unlistenable? Of course not. The fact is I could elminate both subwoofers and still have very fine sound. By themselves my M-L main speakers go down to 35Hz. This doesn't mean that my subs are superfluous. It means that they are a luxury, icing on the cake so to speak. I suspect many audiophiles could eliminate the luxury items from their system and find that they still have wonderful sounding systems.

This is an old thread relating to this topic. Check out Albert Porter's response. It really captures the essence of how little equipment anybody really needs.