You shouldn't have any problems driving your NHT's with the Caspian to fairly high listening levels.
Tonally, the Caspian is slightly warm in overall balance with excellent tautness,control and authority on the bottom, sultry lower mids,a liquid midband, a smooth fleshed out upper midband that leans toward the slightly dry, and a sweet extended top-Good air but lacking somewhat in transparency.The current Caspian mkII betters the mkI to a significant degree in this area.Even so I'd call Caspian mkII "open" rather than truley transparent.
They are highly rhythmic,tuneful and expressive-Good boogie factor, much in the Naim/Exposure mold with a presentation that falls neatly between those 2 lines(ie-closer to Naim Nait5 than Nait3)
Very articulate and refined.Speed, articulation and paceyness are it's forte'.
Staging is broad and expansive,favoring width over depth.
Adding a Caspian PA fairly well transforms the presentation and you get more openness,crispness,refinement,authority, dynamic contrasts, improved low level resolution and expands the soundstage in all directions.
The combo of Caspian IA with PA compares favorably with the best separates at an equivalent expenditure and represents an excellent value.I think the Caspians amoungst the most musically accomplished and versatile of it's genre.The only quibble is that slight lack of absolute transparency.Switching speaker cables to 47Labs OTA reduced the complaint to the level of "who cares?"I'd also advise upgrading the power cord.