Newby problem with hum

I'm relatively new to this sick and exciting hobby and need some help from the experts. I am having a problem with hum. I think it's a ground loop issue, but not 100% sure. I get it when I'm switched to CDP and even louder when switched to my LP. I start hearing it when the volume control gets to about 12 o'clock and it becomes quite loud at 3 o'clock. Here's my setup...

Music Hall MMF7 w/ Goldring Eroica MC cartridge
Ah! Super Tjoeb CDP
Kimber Hero interconnects
Manley Stingray Integrated amp
Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables
Silverline Sonatas
Chang Lightspeed line filter

Any ideas would be helpful. If it is a ground issue, where should I start?


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The preamp should be a grounded component if your are going to use cheater plugs.
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Thanks everyone. We seem to be making progress.

Here's what I did. I went to Radio Shack and bought three cheaters: one for the CDP, one for the TT and one for the phono stage. This had almost no effect. While I was there I also bought some RF chokes that the guy recommended. I put six on the IC between the TT and the phono stage and this seemed to make the biggest difference. The hum from the CDP is completely gone and the hum from the TT is reduced quite a bit but still there when I crank up the volume. Originally I could hear the cartridge picking up a radio station. That's completely gone but at loud listening levels I can still hear a modest hum between tracks.

A couple more questions...

The guy at Radio Shack said that there my be a problem in the ground wiring in my house. Anyone ever heard of this or had problems with it? Is it worth getting my electrician out? Do the RF chokes affect the signal in any detrimental way? What I'm hearing does sound better already, but just thought I'd check before I go buy a bunch more.

Could it also be a shielding problem with the Kimber Hero's? I've heard that they are shielded but maybe not. I have .5 meter lengths so I can't go any shorter here.

If there are any other ideas, I'm welcome to hear them.

Bundee, I don't have a spf guage so I don't really know how loud it is but it's pretty significant with the volume turned to 3 o'clock. Put it this way, it's still a significant hum.
