Levinson, Krell, Classe, Plinius, McIntosh

Has anyone auditioned these amps:

Mark Levinson 436

Krell FPB 350MCX

Classe Omega Omicron

Plinius SA-250 Mark IV

McIntosh MC2102

If you have experience with any of these, please give me your impressions. If you own one of them and enjoy it, please tell me why you chose it or prefer it to others,
if you rejected one of these, same deal.

Duke...I believe my Uncle his New Orleans dealer in the past to me. It was all positive.
I bought a pair of 436's a couple of months ago and they dropped my jaw when I put them in my system. The soundstage on the 436s is W-I-D-E, W--I--D--E and the warm, open midrange is goose bump inducing - very much like some of the high end tube equipment I've heard. The highs are silky smooth without the loss of detail, as you would expect with Levinson. On vocals and piano recordings I've played recently on the 436's, well, let's just say I saw God... there's a reason why Levinson is the largest manufacturer of high end equipment in the World...