which integrated?...

...this question has been asked before, but so what?...lol...i'm looking for a tube/hybrid integrated amp capable of at least 30W/ch, with smooth midrange and tight bass, wide and deep soundstage...price range $2000 (new/used)...other than Pathos One and new Shanling 80 monoblocks (please do comment on these choices as well), what else is there?...thanx
Audio Aero Prima is a hybrid int at 50 watts. Tube input stage with s.s. output. I am using a Mullard ECC88 tube with a Van den hul ac cord. Works good for me.
Stay away from the Pathos. Atleast in my opinion. I've read and heard that the Unison is a great integrated. Anthem makes one as well.
In my experience with Unico I fealt that it was not rated conservatively for its power ratings and any tube separates with 45w/ch can outperform it with even tougher speakers than Triangle.

You can go for VTL TT25(25W/ch triode and 45W/ch ultra-linear) monoblocks with McCormack Micro Line drive(or TLC-1) preamp and you're ready to kill giants in this combo.

It's not conserning tube watts v.s. SS watts but rather ratings from different manufacturers.
I like the VTL tt25 suggestion, I would also look into the Audiomat line...Arpege and Solfege...very good sounding.
I've owned a VAC Avatar integrated for about a year and a half. Very good sounding w/ stock tubes; NOS tubes can take it to a different level. Plenty of gain/power for most speakers of 87-88 db or greater. With NOS tubes and good ancillary equipment, the VAC in triode has a SEt-like midrange but w/ real authority in the bass dept. Can be taken even further w/ the SE upgrade. While soundstaging isn't my highest priority in itself (soundstaging, resolution, tonal correctness, dynamic contrasts, "PRAT" etc., to me, are all simply part of trying to create the "live" sound) , the Avatar and my Reference 3As can virtually disappear in my room w/ good analog or digital equipment and material. Now that I've begun to get serious w/ my source equipment/cables/tubes etc., I'm amazed each night at how much better all of my LPs & CDs sound. Of course, I'm really reviewing at this point my system as a whole, but the VAC certainly is an integral part of the system. I've owned or listened to a lot of other gear, SS and tube, and the only amps I would have a desire to upgrade to are the VAC Ren. series or Art Audio SET amps. Hope this helps.

BTW, I noticed that my local dealer is selling his demo Avatar at a good price on Audiogon, if you're interested.