Which Amp for B&W N803

Which will be the best Pre/Power goes with my N803.

Current Source:
Cardas golden cross cables

Listing mainly Jazz & Classical. I have been considering the Jeff and Spectral, is it a good match?? Do I need to look for high power amp >200W?

Try something like a Plinius SA-100 or 102. The plinius is a great match with the B&Ws. I have heard the 803s with a Plinius 102 and it sounded great. I feel the Plinius matches well with the B&Ws strengths and offsets some of the 803s weaknesses. Good luck
I use N802's for the L & R front speakers and N804's for the L & R rear surrounds. Both sets are bi-amped w/ Denon AVR-5803 receiver to drive the bass portion of each speaker (170W), with a B&K Ref 200.7 (200W) to drive the tweeter/mid portions. Incredible dynamics and detail. I originally used less power but all of these speakers really opened up after givin em the juice.
I emailed B&W to make sure it was OK and they basically said it was more likely to cause problems if the speakers were underpowered, and difficult to give them too much power. These speakers are engineered to handle serious loads, in fact it seemed like they were just waiting for it.
I say, try it, you'll like it.
I've heard a BAT system that sounded great with the 803's. VK-30 pre amp and VK-200 power amp.