Well, my parents were not audiophiles, but they were musically "inclined." Mom was a pianist, who claims to have been the youngest pianist to perform at Carnegie Hall. My dad was a tap dancer. They met in NYC, during the latter days of vaudeville. Mom was playing some ragtime at the Lenton Club on the Lower Eastside, and dad jumped up on her piano and began to tap dance. Well, you could imagine the fight they had, as mom was enraged that dad was scratching the top of the piano she was playing. It was "fight at first sight" and they fell in love and got married. Lots of scrapbook articles from the local newspaper about their courtship and performances. I was raised in this musical environment. Mom loved classical and opera, dad loved jazz, ragtime, dixieland and showtunes. My older siblings loved rock and roll. Music was always present and part of my upbringing. My parents had a major influence on my affinity for music. Which has resulted in my audiophilism.