Is Audiophilia hereditary and or contagious?

How many of you are 2nd generation audiophiles? How many of you have passed it on to your children? Females have ears too.....why does it seem to be so gender biased toward males? How many card-carrying audiophiles have you spawned after they've listed to your rig?
and all along I thought this was an asylum ... (oops that's that *other* place)
Audiophila CAN be about as close to religion as it gets. So far as your observations concerning psychosis Detlof accuracy/musicality, tubes/ss, sub sect pushpull/SET, sub sub sect Set/OTL, sub-sub-sub sect Telefunkens vs Tung Sols vinyl/digital, and one of the most touchy matters to the believers, DON'T TELL ME I can hear the differences in cables, and the non-believers, most are all the same. It plays out much the same as religion does, to some, very deeply felt, absolutist, psychotic heh? If that can't be believed, one is definitely in denial mode. As long as we are happy, what does it matter at all?

There is no one in my family with this disease which further leads me to believe it is contagious. Then again I have seen it passed on from father to son but rarely to daughter and rarer still from mother to daughter. It has an unusually high infection primarily among men of all ages, races, education and income levels. So does male pattern baldness, maybe there is a parallel?
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