Options for Integrated amp?

I have heard that I should be able to use my integrated Rotel RA 972 as a preamp and maybe as a power amp. Now my question is if I would gain anything in sound quality by hooking up a power/pre amp to it and in that case what would I gain?

The following is what it says in the instructions:
"The RA-972 has a set of preamp outputs. The signal from the source selected with the Listening Selector is always available from these outputs. Typically these outputs are used to provide a signal to another integrated amplifier or a power amplifier, which is used to drive remote speakers."

As explained before I have B&W 601 S3, Arcam CD72.

What I feel I lack is a little bass. It's a very bright system I have (the Arcam CD72 is not that bright though) and I lack a tight bass. But I guess that has more to do with the speakers than anything else.

Thank a lot everyone for your answers although I still don't know if I would gain in anything by buying a power amp... And that's what I'm interested in knowing!
Not a bad plan.

At one time, I compared Rotel separates directly with a Rotel receiver. The separates sounded better, in fact, I bought them (for a week, then upgraded to a Classe preamp, continuing to use the Rotel amp). The salesperson I worked with said that the Rotel integrated (which they didn't stock) sounded more like the receivers than the separates (this was certainly true of the other integrateds I auditioned). So if that is any guide, yes, you should see an improvement by using an external amp.

The unknown factor here is, where is the weakness in your current integrated -- the preamp or the amp? Probably both. In other words, eventual purchase of a separate pre-amp would also make a big difference (preamps make an even bigger difference than amps in my book). But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, and improving one piece at a time works for me.

I haven't listened at length to your speakers (I have listened to a lot of other B&Ws), and I rarely disagree with Sugarbrie, but I will go out on a limb and disagree about requiring a speaker upgrade. I think your CD player (which I have heard and like) and speakers can do a lot better for you than they are doing now, with better amplification.

My current speakers are the oldest part of my system; I got them used; they were new 10 or 15 years ago, and sold for around $1500 then (Celestion S300, I paid $700). I first hooked them to an old receiver, then to a variety of mid-fi separates (such as Rotel), and now to Classe preamp and amp. With each upgrade in amplification, they sound better and better, amazingly so. The biggest improvement I noticed when I switched in the Classe amp was in the bass, much tighter and better defined.

Last week I demoed B&W CDM-9NT speakers with a Rotel HT receiver (one of those foot-high monstrosities). They sounded awful. The bass in particular was practically unlistenable (to be fair, I had just been spoiled listening in their very nice 2-channel room), it sounded positively distorted.

So in summary: I think separates will make a difference for you, and so this is a good step in the right direction. The Rotel amps are a great value and give good sound for the money, so I think your plan is a good one. You can get a used Rotel amp here very inexpensively, $200-$300. Just be aware that you will probably want to go the preamp route when funds allow.

One last thought -- if you are buying from a dealer, see if you can borrow an amp to try this with, which will answer the question definitively for you.

It can cut two ways ... a top flight amp can bring out the best in a speaker and a top flight speaker can make a passable amp seem better than it is. My experiences with the B&W 300 & 600 series speakers are that they emphasized the treble region a bit.

If what you are after is to tame the brightness and add some bass ... I would do the following in this order:

1. If my cables & interconnects are clearly cheap, I would upgrade them with good performing, moderate priced cables & interconnects. Look to AVCables; Parts Express; Signal Cable. Also, play around with speaker placement ... B&W's are more sensitive than most to room placement.
2. I would look to a speaker upgrade.

If you feel that the sound is not sufficiently alive and/or dull sounding ... I would do the following in this order:

1. Cable Replacements that I mentioned above.
2. I would look to an amplifier upgrade.

As for tube vs SS ... whatever sounds best. I am a SS fan, but that may be more because I grew up around 50's & 60's era tube gear.

Hope this helps.

If you're considering using the RA-972 as a pre-amp you may want to match it w/a Rotel RB-990 amp. Many years ago when I
was considering an amp change I talked to quite a few dealers and got the feeling that this was a great amp. One dealer, whom had no profit in it because he could'nt sell me one, said go buy one without hesitation because I would be pleased w/it. I believed what he was saying was straight and honest. So, 200w a channel, around $450 used, what little to do have to lose by giving it a shot and elimimating any doubt from your mind. Bill