Is a audiophila suicid to ship 150lbs overseas ?

Will it be a nightmare with high risk of vacuum tube breakages ?
The haulier will be airborne and not the "famous" UPS !
Would appreciate your experinece with delicate stuff shipped like a 150 lbs amp.
Ditto on Weiserb. Overdue everyting as it beats that god-awful call from some fellow half-way around the globe. Insurance is good, too. so are wooded crates.
"Insurance is good, too. so are wooded crates". Unclejeff's statement here cannot be over stressed. You have to ship as it they will drop this package many times because they will.
Iwas thinking of shipping my too-hormonal 16 yr old 135 lb daughter to Alaska for awhile! Any really good carriers for "chilling out"?
Okay, Subar, you guru! Just to just to follow a bit along your tangential diversion, the best teenager chill out i know of is a set of matching headsets and seperate CD players...of Radshack quality........