Bryston Vs Classe

Hi, Does anyone have direct experience with Bryston vs Classe? Specifically, this is about the new 4B-SST (300 W/ch) bryston vs the 300w/ch Classe ca301 or the 200 w/ch ca201. The speakers will be Dynaudio 3.3. Any thoughts are welcome.
I wish people would learn what the terms "Class A", "Class AB"
and "Class B" mean.

These are terms for certain circuit topologies - i.e. modes
of amplifier operation - not a "grade" of quality.

One can have an amp that operates in Class A that is of poor
design and sounds it. One can also have a Class B amp that
is a well executed design - and shows it.

You can't say "Amplifier 'X' is 'rated' Class A, so it must
be better than Amplifier 'Y' which is 'rated" Class AB".

Dr. Gregory Greenman
Dr. Greg - I think the term "rated as Class A" refers to how the amp is rated by an outfit like Stereophile (recommended products by class A,B,C,D with A being "their" best) and has nothing to do with it "class of operation" as in "A" or "AB"

Although I would have hoped that was the interpretation,
many have said that "Classe is rated Class A", and "Bryston
is rated Class B".

Stereophile has never rated a manufacturer - only individual
products. Also, I don't recall many Classe products occupying
the rarefied regime of Stereophile's "Class A" with the
exception of the Omega.

Additionally, some above responded to the above remarks
by saying that one amp or the other was rated "Class AB".
Stereophile has never had a "Class AB". Therefore, I
concluded that some were confusing the amplifier class
with a Stereophile rating.

The thread makes little sense with Class AB [ amp mode ]
being mixed with Class A and Class B [ Stereophile ] and
contentions that brands were rated and not individual

Besides, because of the synergy between amps and speakers,
the idea that one can go by the Stereophile recommendation
is faulty since Stereophile doubtedly used Dynaudio 3.3s
[ the speaker of choice for the original poster ] for the
respective reviews of both amps.

I believe we can do a better job of answering the original
poster's question by letting those with experience with
the Dynaudio speakers and particular amps from these two
fine manufacturers tell of their experiences.

Brand name partisans parroting one review or another from
one audio magazine or another is really less than useful.

Dr. Gregory Greenman
There is an interesting thread at in the audio forum.
There was an amp shootout whith 8 amplifiers used for 2/multi channel shootout and the Bryston was at the very bottom of the pack along whith ATI.

Even fans of Bryston were shocked at how bad it did.
The Theta Dreadnaught 2 did not fare to well either.